SB-3 / Retirement systems / Faber
SB-10 / Criminal laws, sentencing / Seitz
OPAA: Support except earned credit, early release, authorization of treatment in lieu for F5 trafficking and F4 possession, amendments to nonsupport, judicial release, and treatment in lieu. 2/17/11
SB-17 / Concealed weapons / Schaffer
Concealed carry in bars, handling firearms in motor vehicles
OPAA: Oppose weapons in liquor permit premises, ok with changes re carring firearm in motor vehicle. 2/17/11
SB-20 / Retirement benefits / Grendell
Termination of state retirement system benefits for one convicted of certain felonies while serving in a position of nonor, trust, or profit.
OPAA: Support 2/17/11
SB-35 / Driving offense / Tavares
Prohibit driving while using a handheld mobil communication device.
OPAA: Support ban on texting only. And make primary offense, get rid of limitations on viewing interior of vehicle and other peripheral issues. 2/17/11
SB-42 / Racial profiling / Kearney
Law enforcement profiling
SB-44 / Victim photos / Kearney
Prohibit prisoners who are sex offenders from possessing certain photos.
OPAA: Oppose. Should be addressed through DRC policies 2/17/11
SB-53 / Ethnic intimidation / Kearney
To include disability as a basis for a charge of ethnic intimidation
SB-57 / Controlled substances / Tavares
OPAA: Support 2/17/11
SB-59 / Drug offenders / Tavares
Relative to treatment of certain drug offenders.
OPAA: Oppose 2/17/11
SB-61 / Gun laws / Wilson
Restoration of civil firearm rights, to eliminate prohibition against persons with certain misdemeanor drug convictions from acquiring or possessing firearms.
SB-66 / Graphic images / Cates
Prohibit a minor from creating, receiving, possessing a photo or other material showing a minor in a state of nudity.
SB-68 / SORN / Schaffer
Registration applies irrespective of when offense committed. OPPA: Support 2/17/11
SB-70 / Arson / Schaffer
To establish a registry for arson offenders.
OPAA: Oppose 2/17/11
SB-72 / Abortion / Lehner
To revise criminal laws governing post-viability abortions.
OPAA: No position 2/17/11
SB-76 / Sex offenders / Skindell
No change of name for sex offenders and child-victim oriented offenses.
OPAA: Support 3/24/11
SB-92 / Traffic laws / Schaffer
Increased penalties for acd or failure to yield that results in serious physical harm or death.
SB-94 / Human Cloning / Jordan
SB-98 / Immigration / Stewart
Enforcemnt of federal immigration laws by law enforcement officers.
SB-109 / Trespassing / Schiavoni
Not liable if entry to beautify land
OPAA: No position 3/24/11
SB-111 / Health care worker assaults / Oelslager
Fourth degree felony.
OPAA: Oppose 3/24/11
SB-120 / Prosecuting attorneys / Beagle
Prosecutor represent tax-supported public libraries.
OPAA: Support See HB-88
SB-122 / Juvenile compact / Oelslager
OPAA: Support 4/21/11
SB-125 / Local government / Seitz
To authorize political subdivisions to contract with one another.
opaa: Support 4/21/11
SB-126 / Controlled substances / Kearney
To add bath salt substance cathinone to Schedule I
SB-130 / Dog breeding / Hughes
Puppy mills
SB-139 / Employer organizations / Hughes
Clarify rights and liabilities of professional employer organizations.
SB-148 / Election laws / Wagoner
Amends 309.09 to require prosecutor to approve ballot language.
OPAA: Oppose 4/21/11
SB-154 / Texting / Smith
To prohibit driver texting.
OPAA: Support. See SB-35. 4/21/11
SB-160 / Sentencing / Bacon
OPAA: Support 5/26/11 Don't add to pa workload, nomandatory notices, no written notices. 3/15/2012
SB-178 /Records retention / Seitz
Limits on forfeiture amount and attorneys fees.
OPAA: Support 6/23/11
SB-185 / Sex crimes / Turner
No statute of limitations for rape or sexual battery.
OPAA: Support now statute of limitations for felony sex offenses if DNA evidence. 6/23/11 and past.
SB-190 / Contraception, hospital services / Cafaro
Requires hospital to provide counseling, information on contraception, etc.
SB-191 / Bestiality / Hughes
Creates criminal offense of bestiality
OPAA: Support. See HB-289
SB-193 / Scrap metal sales / Seitz
Requires photo of person selling
SB-202 / respassing / Seitz
SB-203 / Missing children / Cafaro
OPAA: Oppose as introduced. Amend into child endangering 8/25/11
SB-205 / Art therapy / Skindell
SB-223 / Telecommunications fraud / Bacon
AG subpoena power
OPAA: Support subpoena power, no prosecution authority. 9/21/11
SB-226 / Public records - tape of shooting / LaRose
Not applicable?
SB-240 / County charter / Burke
Succession to rights, properties of municipalities and townships.
SB-261 / Employment discrimination / Tavares
Based on unemployment status.
SB-262 / Pawnbrokers / Daniels
SB-268 / DNA samples / Eklund
SB-270 / Abolish death penalty / Brown
SB-283 / Victim services / Turner
Help for victims of sex offenses. Apparently not applicable.
SB-294 / Environmental laws / Schaffer
SB-299 / Criminal records / Jordan
Definition of “final discharge” with respect to a conviction for misconduct in office.
OPAA: Apply to all cases. 3/15/12
SB-301 / Controlled substances / Burke
Enforcement powers of licensing boards, regulation of pain management clinics, classifications of certain substances.
Apparently not applicable.
SB-305 / Vehicle compartments / Hughes
OPAA: Support 3/15/12
SB-310 / Exotic animals / Balderson
OPAA: No AG prosecution 3/15/12
4/4 - Josh, Balderson’s office, advises will be fixed. All agreed in AG office and Gov office.
SB-317 / Licensing of sweepstakes terminal device operators / Schiavoni
OPAA: Table 4/18/12
SB-330 / Sentencing / Schiavoni
Misdemeanor sentencing court consider military service.
SB-332 / Firearm injury to child / Kearney
Ten year term for committing offense and causing injury by firearm to a child.
SB-336 / Traffic / Wagoner
Increase penalties for operating on wrong side of freeway.
Support 5/17/12
SB-337 / Collateral sanctions / Seitz
Oppose provisions concering housing of 18, 19, 20 year olds charged with juvenile offenses; oppose change re durg paraphernalia; oppose expansion of eligibility for sealing of records; oppose two year waiting period for application to seal juvenile records; oppose precluding juvenile adjudications from background checks. Otherwise no position. 5/17/12
SB-339 / Fiscal officers training, removal / Schaffer
OPAA: Support except penalty for dereliction of duty. 5/17/12
SB-343 / PERS Bill / Niehaus
Support OCCO positon 8/16/12
SB-344 / Court costs / Manning
Court costs for sex offenses and to generally increase court costs.
OPAA: See HB-488
SB-350 / Civil commitment / Burke
SB-358 / Bail notices / Schaffer
Requires notice to law enforcement if defendant to reside in a political subdivision different from where crime was committee.
SB-361 / Bisphenol sales /Tavares
To prohibit the sale and manufacture of products containing bisphenol-A
OPAA: No position, except clarify language that appears to outlaw pacifiers and teethers whether containing bisphenol_A or not. 8/16/12
SB-364 / Local government funds / Seitz
To establish a new default formula for determining the share allocated to each subdivision from a county’s local government fund distribution.
OPAA: Tabled. Talk to auditors, treasurers, commissioners.
SB-377 / County Audits / Seitz
Budget commission authorize voluntary audits.